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True Dreamer

Thursday 13 October 2011

D.R.E.A.M-Determinedly Reach Effective Achieving Mindset

I have thought of many words in today’s world and not one has given me the drive I need in order to do all I have planed for my life, So what I did is took the word dream and applied a word to each letter that had a strong meaning and the capability to encourage me in my everyday life.

What I was left with at the end was D.R.E.A.M, meaning Determinedly Reach Effective Achieving Mindset. Each word is very important as it means something on it’s on, but let me explain what I see these words as.

First we have Determinedly and what it means to me is simple that whatever you do in life, you have to do it determinedly. To do things in your life determinedly you will need a great amount of determination and in order to have determination you have to be strong from the heart. Determination is a key factor in life, because it’s what makes us do things not just to finish, but to finish well. In short this is our drive in life.

Next is Reach. This word says everything for itself and that’s to reach whatever you set your mind to in life. When having the word Reach in your life you cannot think of words like impossible and never, because Reach means everything is doable.

 The third word is Effective. Effective means that whatever you do, easy or difficult, you will produce a positive result. What the word Effective will do for you is make sure that you  will in time reach your goals in life and also improve your status in the world to the best.

Achieving means to succeed in doing, but what does that mean for you? well it means that you will never fail in anything you do as long as you believe that your are an achiever, but to be a achiever you have remove all words of negativity from your life and you cannot allow anything or anyone to hold you back.

The last word Mindset is the most important one, because your mindset will determine what person you become and what you accomplish in life, therefore you have to have a mindset filled with a positive outlook and no doubt. If you have a mindset that believes everything is to difficult for you, then you will never accomplish anything, but if you have one that looks upon challenges as an opportunity to prove yourself then your future will be one filled with many accomplishments in life.

Now that I have explained in detail each words meaning to me, I want to show you another way to look upon the word D.R.E.A.M which means Determinedly Reach Effective Achieving mindset. If you read it out as a sentence it means that you should never give up on reaching a mindset that is effective at achieving success. That is only my meaning.

I hope that the word D.R.E.A.M will help you improve you life and reach success without once giving up. 

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