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True Dreamer

Thursday 8 September 2011

Average is Over

Being the normal average person in this world does not cut it anymore; you cannot anymore go through life expecting things to work out perfectly. You need to be more then average; in fact you have to be excellent at what you do to make it in this world.

Times are hard I know and if you are wondering why, the answer is technology! Why I say this, is because its true, in the past times people that where average had a good chance of living out there dreams and if not there dreams, atleast a life worth living. this is all because technology wasn’t as advance as it is today and the world was less connected in those times.Im not saying technology is bad , what I am saying is that while it has made life more simpler and comfortable for us, it has also made it extremely hard to live and upped the competition by “hyper-linking” the world. look at it this way, in the past an average teenager would have grown up, gone to university and got a job in his/her place of residence, allowing him/her to start there own lives, But in today’s world the average teenager will grow up, go to university and then if lucky get a job that is completely off the point that he/she studied so long for, and this is all because of the fact that in today’s world businesses have the whole world at their disposal, They can have more machines, more software and a cheaper cleverer workforce from anywhere around the world.

This is not something to be afraid of though, you can actually use this to your own advantage by doing everything you do with extreme excellence, and always being better then those around you. The best way of achieving this is by thinking of yourself as an outsider, someone who doesn’t belong , someone who has to prove to the world how excellent he/she is and by doing this you will make yourself the best at what you do. This will result in you being wanted all over the world no matter the expense and most of all it will allow you to live out your dreams.

Strive to be the best and never give up, Make the world your playground and build a better future.

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