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True Dreamer

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Reaching the top of the world, means being the best.

Many people wonder what they need to be the best and reach the top of the world. There have been many ideas and debates on what these qualities actually are, I intend to express my opinion on this blog on what these qualities are, and I hope that it helps you in your life.

To be the best, You need to reach the top and to Reach the top, You need to be the best, so you see these two qualities are both needed for the idea behind it to exist, which is of course reaching the top of the world successfully. Now to explain what finer qualities you need to have in order to be the best, at being the best. Firstly you will have to know yourself from inside to out, know your weaknesses and strengths in life. By knowing this you will be able to tell what kind of problems you can handle and how to handle them , In time you will be able to strengthen your weaknesses to become strong points in your life ,as you learn and gain knowledge of the world and how it operates.

Secondly, you need to have a clear indication of where you want to go and how you want to get there, this might sound like a silly question, but its not. You see there are many ways of getting to the top, some are faster then others, but more tricky and dangerous as in you could lose who you are, and then there are slow ways, these ways are more honest and rewarding to life as you gain valuable experience and knowledge and so far the world has proved that having these to finer qualities of knowledge and experience, are a must have if you want to be the best and on top. Having a clear indication of where you are going is very important; I dare say the most important part of this journey, why? Because it is easy to mistake the top of the world for something else and be trapped in a position where you don't want to be. Many people fall in to this trap where they earn loads of money, but never reach the top because they have no love for the occupation they are in or what they are doing.

The third most valuable quality is a fixed determination. This will be what drives you on and on, no matter what comes your way. In order for you to keep your fixed determination strong, you will have to feed it with motivational quotes that you wrote for yourself, which is better, or you can read others motivational quotes if you don't have your own and draw up a table displaying your initial goals for your life, so that you can remind yourself what your doing it all for and where you want to be in terms of your final destination in life, which is the top.

Fourthly, you need to be aware of your surroundings, you need to know what’s happening in today's world, by doing this you will gain knowledge of the world and its doings, this will allow you to defend your goals and dreams against anything that threatens to interrupt you on your journey to the top, but most of all it will make you a bold person, and a person who is confident.

The Fifth one ,Which is to represent yourself greatly and confidently to the world, having great knowledge will make this task easier, but you'll have to present yourself the same way outside two, by dressing in a way that tells people around you that you ARE GOING FOR THE TOP with a fixed determination.

The last tip I have for you and for me this is very important, is to live out your dreams. By living out your dreams you are sure to succeed in both being the best and reaching the top. Dreams is where it all starts and by following them nothing will be to great to stop you from reaching them, always remember dreams is the future of our world.

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