Welcome to True Dreamer

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True Dreamer

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Dream Above and Beyond

We live in a confusing world, where we are always doubtful of ourselves and what we are capable of, wasting our time trying to figure out what our purpose in life is, when the clear answer is, we are never going to actually figure that specific purpose out, until we have lived out our hearts dreams.

I like to think of the universe as a world, containing millions of stars each representing a person. Why I do this, is because it shows how special each and everyone one of us can be, if only we let our dreams determine our future. Dreams can make us be as bright as those stars in the universe, if we believe in them. It takes a lot just to believe, and this is because it doesn’t always seem like our dreams are possible in this life, but isn’t dreaming about doing the impossible and achieving things that others could not imagine? It is the dreams of the past that allowed us to build the world we live in today. A few years back it would have been impossible to imagine the technology we have today, but someone had a dream for a better future and just look at what mankind has achieved, isn’t it amazing,

Many people lose there dreams as they grow up, thinking that dreams are for those that desire things that they cant have in life and others give there dreams up to live out someone else’s dream, and I think this is sad, because you were all born with dreams hand made for you to live out and for you not to follow them is disappointing to you and to the world. No matter how ordinary or silly your dream might sound to others, you should always know in your heart that your dream is special and is a dream the world needs, because it’s your dream. When you feel like your just another human been, look up to the skies and remind yourself that you are a star waiting to shine brightly across the universe and believe you will, because all stars are meant to shine eventually.

You determine the future and with your dreams you are sure to be successful, believe in them and let them lead you on your journey through life.

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