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True Dreamer

Friday 30 September 2011

What’s important to life?

We are the Human Race and to this day still we remain the most advance living organism in the universe, but what about us really makes us important and special to a world that makes no sense to anybody? Yes we are capable of great things and this has been proven a number of times over the years, but our accomplishments and capabilities are nothing of great importance once we look further out into our ever growing universe, and then only will we see that the things in life that we classify as important are really just things to keep our minds from floating ahead and seeing the true meaning to who we are.

What we see around us then is a world of confusion and that has completed itself by manipulating what we see as important, putting things around us that are really meaningless to the universe above. We all have our own special purposes yes, but its seems that we have fallen into a cycle that we cannot break free of. What I mean by this is that we have placed our main focus on things that are bound to this world, we seem to think that being a human being means growing up like every one else and doing things like those around us, but no this is not what the life of a human being should be like, instead our lives should have its own definition and not someone else’s.

If what we see as important is not really important, then what is? I cannot say for I myself seek the answer to this question, but what I can say is this; there are greater things for us to chase after then just money, status and glory. We are the impossible to this universe, our very existence goes against any law we have and with that I want you to see how special we really are then to this universe , all that’s left is to find out why we are here.

Each life deserves a meaning, and that’s what we should really see as important.  

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