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True Dreamer

Friday 9 September 2011

Can We Change The Future

Can we change the future? This is a question that has rarely been asked in this way among ourselves, and you might be thinking, but isn’t the world always talking about changing the future, and that would be right, the difference is that the world is always talking about how they could change the future by enhancing the technology of the world and well to me this isn’t exactly changing the future, its just making life easier and more comfortable for us. The future that I am referring to is Earth’s future and according to me it seems that earth is on a collision path with destruction.
You probably expecting me to say that global warming is the main reason we are on this path, but its not and I'll explain why I say this, first let’s look at what the world has so far tried to do to save planet earth.

Technology has been said to be the saviour of earth, and many believe that the more advance our technology gets, the better the chances are of us surviving. I think this is the biggest lie ever told, technology is a resource and resources do not last, they just perish one after another, so how is technology going to save us when it cannot even save itself. Technology has contributed immensely to today’s world, but it has caused great destruction in the past too; wars have been fought with and for technology and for those that say all of that is in the past, I want to remind that today technology still remains a weapon of war. I am not saying technology is bad, what I am saying is that we shouldn’t depend our future on technology, because as technology advances for the good, so shall it advance for the worse. Unfortunately the world believes that the only way to change the future is technology and to this day they remain trying to better the technology hoping that somehow the future will change for the better.

If global warming isn’t the biggest threat, what is? I believe that the biggest threat we face is ourselves, why I believe this is because the human race has grown eager to be gods and with this we have grown self centred and careless of what’s around us. Look around you, many lies are told, life has become a routine that others dictate to us, we have become followers of those who believe they are gods and we live in a world shadowed by darkness and emptiness. WE HAVE TO STOP WAITING FOR THE FINAL BATTLE TO START, BECAUSE IT HAS ALREADY BEGUN.

So is there a way of changing our future? Yes, if we realize that we first have to change ourselves.

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