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True Dreamer

Monday 26 September 2011

Hope Through the End

It is becoming more difficult to believe that the end is no where near our coming future and there are many reasons for this, but the one reason that stands out most is the recent problems that have occurred in our world economy.

Everyone knows that money is the one thing that can cause the hearts of the world to turn black, there’s nothing new to this as it has always been happening around the world in smaller numbers, but the problems that face our world economy today threaten to cause this on a larger scale and if things in our world economy do go for the worst, then it will be nearly impossible to stop the destruction, unhappiness, chaos, and betrayal that will follow after. I am not saying things will turn out for the worst, what I am saying is that if they do then we should be prepared to see the worst in ourselves.

Even though I grew up in two different worlds, one of religion and the other science, I always listened and learned from both equally, and what I did learn from them is that there is an end to this world without doubt, but there also remains hope. Why I say there remains hope? Is because I believe that there is a GOD, a GOD that is merciful and watchful over his followers, I am not saying this to sound like a perfect human being or to increase my popularity in this world, I am saying this because I believe it with all my heart. Yes I do respect science as it has paved the way forward for this world, but science cannot create a world or a human as pure born as us and neither can luck, and therefore I believe that all we see was created by GOD. To me God then remains our hope in this world, even though our economy may fall and all may seem worthless around you, there will always be hope if you chose to believe there is.

Back to the main subject about our economy falling; yes our world economy seems to be on the road to the end, but is it? We will never know until it happens and if the end does show itself, then there would be no reason for us to lose our sanity, as there will always be hope for us to hold on to.

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